I spent most of 2022 stuck to a computer, finishing up my bachelors and continuing my masters. Somehow I also found the time to move apartments. This years fall semester featured three courses, Social and Aesthetic Interaction Design (SAINT), Building the Internet of Things with P2P and Cloud Computing (P2P) and Interactivity and Computer Mediation - Concepts, Theories, Methods, Cases (ICM).

The theme of this years SAINT course was Pain. In this context, I created a subvertisement campaign for the coming expansion of Port of Aarhus together with a classmate. It featured posters and a website and video closely imitating the advertisement already produced by Port of Aarhus themself. Through the process of creating this campaign we got involved with DGUB Aarhus and climate activism in general, participating in the yearly climate march and citizen conferences on the port expansion. Beyond the subvertisement campaign, we reported our work and findings in a zine, a fitting medium for our work.

The two SAINT posters
A picture from the yearly climate march

For the P2P course, we built a pair of pathfinding robots that could share their knowledge of the world with each other. This helps them avoid bumping into known obstacles or each other. The robots are built on the M5Stack platform and programmed in python. A report was hastily put together.

Finally, while the ICM course was primarily centered on reading and discussion, we did finish off the course with an an essay on part of the course litterature. I wrote on gender in HCI, taking an outset in an article by Os Keyes. While the essay is written for the course, I’m pretty happy with it. If you want to read it, I have uploaded it here. Note that it is in danish.

The few other things I managed to do included finally resetting the eMac i found:
The eMac running early OSX

And buying an old DV camera to produce a simple music video with my partner. I’m hoping to use it for other projects in the future.
The cannon DV camera

The few audioshots for this year:


Context: I also started building a node script for turning a signal generator into a midi instrument. I did not get very far.
